Banning of smoking in public places

                 Do you like the smell of a cigarette's smoke? For me, I hate it. Being able to smell such an awful odor will always make me feel annoyed and unpleasant. Luckily, in as the order of the present president Rodrigo Duterte that smoking in public places will be banned and has call on citizens to help the local authorities to apprehend smokers. I think that this order is just the first step to really stop this issue. As many as I can recall, there are so many harmful effects in smoking in public places, namely; secondhand smoke has a serious negative health consequence, the lingering odor of stale cigarettes and the cost when someone will acquire a disease because of smoking.

                  In smoking, the smoker is not the only one who is in danger but also the people who inhaled the secondhand smoke which is more dangerous than the smoke which is directly inhaled by the smoker. Secondhand smoke is the smoke that the smoker releases. In my opinion, smoking in public could be lethal and pestering. Smoking is very dangerous to us. An irresponsible smoker may be the culprit of a disease that a non-smoker may acquire because they are too exposed by the smoke. This is mainly the cause why I totally agree to the banning of smoking in public places.

                 Aside from the secondhand smoke, there is the lingering odor of stale cigarettes could be very unpleasant and annoying. We all know that the smell of a cigarette is very awful and we don't want to see someone smoking in front of us. But in bars, restaurants, and other establishments where smokers usually smoke, many people find the smell of the smoke awful and harmful. Because the cigarette's smoke tends to linger to people's clothes and hair and takes longer to fade even after the smoker has left. Clothes worn in a smoky place may still smell like smoke days later.

                 Another one is the cost when someone will be sick because of smoking. This is the most problematic situation to be involved in. This is the inevitable reality that a smoker will face. Tge diseases that will be acquired after smoking habitually. Diseases like cancer, lung malfunction and heart attack are likely to be acquired. Now, that it is still not too late. Decide wisely.

                 The banning of smoking in public places could save a lot of lives especially the smokers. A greater place for us to go anywhere and forget the barriers of smoking or odor of the smoke. Many patrons avoid the smell of cigarette, that's why even if you have an innocent heart, you will still smoke, you will always be judged in a bad way because you smoke. Many countries have implemented this kind of order and succeeded. This is not an impossible task. A country can change if the people will change. Because a country exists because of its people. This project is a great project to do. Becoming a smoke-free should be the mindset in achieving this order. For the smokers, there should be a particular area designated thoroughly for smoking use only where it is far from the public and far from the crowd. A place where there shouldn't be any patron or people that will think they are being abused because of the released smoke from the cigarette. With this solution, we can guarantee the safety of the non-smoker's health and they can avoid the diseases that can be acquired because they are exposed to the smoke. We cannot just minimize the casualty but we can avoid the casualties. Now that you know the negative effects and solution of smoking in public places. You have been informed and I hope that you have learned something from my article. You hold the very decision in what you will do in your life. I have decided that the banning of smoking in public places should be implemented and should be followed for greater living and preventing the worst from happening to us. Do you agree with me? or not? Remember, it is always our choice to change and do what is right.

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